DUS Guidelines

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    Flowers are of yellow gold colour, compact and medium in size. The variety comes to flowering by 40-45 days. Its flowering duration is flowering duration 65 -70 days. Flowers size 5-6.5 cm in diameter. Yield potential 8 tons/acre in winter and 5 tons/acre in summer.

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    Flowers are gold yellow in colour. Flowering starts 40-45 days after planting and continues to flower for 60 days. Flowers are compact and large in size (7-7.5cm). Yield potential is 8-10 tons/acre.

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    Flowers are orange in colour. Flowering starts 40-45 days after planting and continues to flower for 60 days. Flowers are compact and large in size (7.5-8 cm). Yield potential is 8-8.5 tons/acre.

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    French marigold photo insensitive variety with double coloured flower. Border is orange and center is dark red. Plants are dwarf with spreading habit and floriferous. Flowering is observed throughout the year. Days to flower initiation:30-35 days after planting with a flowering duration of 6 weeks. Duration of crop is 3 months. Flower size: 4.8 cm. Flower yield/acre: 5.8 tons/acre

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    French marigold photo insensitive variety with dwarf plant habit with spreading habit and floriferous nature. Flowers are orange in colour. Colour changes into different shades of orange depending upon light, temperature & stage of flower. Flowering is observed throughout the year. Flower initiation starts 30 days after planting with a flowering duration of 9 weeks. Crop duration is 3 months. Flower size: 4.3 cm. Number of flowers : 500-600/plant Flower yield/acre: 4.7tons/acre.