cultivation practices

  • Planting

     Hybrids: Raised beds of 1 meter width can be prepared with spacing of 1 meter between the beds. Planting is taken up in paired rows with 40 cm distance between the rows. Plant to plant distance within a row is maintained at 90 cm and zig zag method of planting is followed between the paired rows. Alternatively, planting can also be taken at a spacing of 90 cm x 90cm.

    Varieties: 40 cm x 60 cm can be sufficient for varieties.

  • manures and fertilizers

    The cow dung manure at 50 t/ha should be applied during land preparation. N:P:K @ 75:50:50 is the recommended fertilizer dosage. Half of the fertiliser should be applied as basal dose before planting. Remaining fertilizer can be applied in 3 equal split doses at an interval of month. Micro nutrient spray of MgSO4(1.25g) + ZnSO4(1 g) + Borax (0.25g) in 1 litre of water improve the plant growth and enhance the flower quality.


  • Irrigation and interculture

    Irrigate the crop once in 4-6 days depending upon soil moisture and weather conditions. Weeding is done manually and 3-4 times weeding are required during the entire crop growth period. Pinch the buds and terminal portion of the plants till 4-6 weeks after transplanting to encourage branching and increased number of flower bud formation.

  • Harvesting and yield

    Harvesting of flowers should be done either in the morning or evening. Flower yield depends upon season and cultural practices adopted. Harvesting duration depends on variety. In Arka series of hybrids, a potential yield of 20-25 tons/ha can be expected. In Pusa series varieties, maximum yield of 8-10 ton/ha is expected.